Coptic Orthodox


"However, this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting" (Matthew 17:21). 

Great Lent is understood to be the holiest fast as our Lord Jesus Christ Himself fasted it for us. Therefore, during Great Lent we must strive to follow the example set by our Lord Jesus Christ, who had fasted on our behalf for forty days and forty nights, which we read in Matthew  chapter 4. During Great Lent, the Church in her wisdom teaches us how to receive Him by using the great means of repentance along with prayer and fasting. But many are fooled by what the true meaning of fasting is; fasting does not mean to just abstain from certain foods and drinks. Fasting without prayer is essentially nothing less than a bodily act. Fasting provides us with an opportunity for prayer because when a person fasts, their soul is occupied with internal work with God and so when the body is humbled by hunger, the soul also is humbled. We must train ourselves while fasting to not let a change of food be the only thing different we do in this fast, but rather let the fast be striving for change toward a better spiritual life. We must struggle to remove defects and weaknesses that we may feel exist not only within ourselves, but with our relationship with God, and our brothers and sisters through Christ. However, as we fast we must not try to make our fast visible to anyone except our Father in Heaven who sees everything in secret. And as we journey through this most sacred time of the year we must examine ourselves, our salvation, our repentance, and our spiritual life. Sit down not only with yourself but your spiritual father, seek the guidance that us all sinners are in desperate need of as we grow daily in the knowledge of God. 

+ May God help us all to see the importance of prayer and to lift up our hearts and thoughts to Him alone and may He grant us to have a blessed and holy fast as we seek for repentance +

“I will praise you, O Lord, for your mercies are forever. From generation to generation, my mouth shall declare Your truth.”
- First Doxology of the Sunday Readings during the Great and Holy Lent

وهم غلبوه بدم الخروف وبكلمة شهادتهم ولم يحبوا حياتهم حتى الموت
رؤ12: 11 

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. 
(Rev. 12: 11)

بطرس وبولس سحقا قوة الشيطان وردوا الأمم للأيمان بالثالوث أبونا بطرس أكمل بموت الصليب فى مدينة روما العظمى لأجل اسم ربنا يسوع المسيح وهكذا أيضا بولس نزعت رأسه هناك من قبل الملك نيرون فى يوم واحد نالا المجد من الملك المسيح واستراحا معه فى ملكوته الأبدى والحياة الدائمة
ذكصولوجية للقديسين بطرس بولس  

Peter and Paul, trampled the power of

Read more: The Apostles' Feast

The Apostles’ Fast


May 28th of this year marks the first day of the Apostles’ fast which concludes on July 11th. This fast precedes the Apostles’ feast on the fifth day of Epip, the day St. Peter and St. Paul were martyred.  Through the Apostles’ fast, we thank God for the gifts of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, we acknowledge the struggles and tribulations of the holy apostles as they preached and established the foundation of the Christian church, and we prepare ourselves to serve and preach. This fast reflects the fast the apostles took on after the descent of the Holy Spirit upon them on the day of Pentecost. Just as Our Lord fasted for forty days in the wilderness following the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Him during the Theophany, the holy apostles too fasted when the Holy Spirit descended upon them.

To this day, we apply the wisdom of the holy apostles to our

A Friend For Eternity...

This is the story of a famous leader named Joshua who had 80 disciples. All of them became good leaders.

One day, Joshua lifted up his heart and asked God what He had prepared for him in eternity. In a dream, Joshua heard a voice telling him, "You and Neres will be with me in Paradise and both of you will receive the same reward."

Joshua woke up upset, wondering how he could dedicate his whole life to the ministry of God and still get the same reward as a

A Journey Through The Great Lent


            The Great Lent is undoubtedly the holiest fast observed by the Coptic Orthodox Church. During the Great Lent, we fast for a total of fifty five days; seven days from the preparation week, forty days to fast as Our Lord fasted in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights (Matthew 4:2), one day for Lazarus Saturday, and the seven last days for Holy Week [1]. It is important to constantly

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The Holy Week Schedule:

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Wed May 08 @ 8:00AM - 11:00AM
Divine Liturgy Service
Wed May 08 @ 6:30PM - 07:00PM
Evening Prayers
Wed May 08 @ 7:00PM - 08:00PM
Pope Shenouda and St Macrina ladies meeting
Wed May 08 @ 7:00PM - 08:00PM
Hymns Class
Thu May 09 @ 4:00AM - 06:30AM
Divine Liturgy Service
Thu May 09 @ 6:30PM - 08:30PM
Midnight praises for girls and Women
Thu May 09 @ 7:30PM - 09:00PM
Graduate Fellowship Meeting
Fri May 10 @ 7:15AM - 10:00AM
Divine Liturgy Service
Fri May 10 @ 6:30PM - 07:00PM
Agpeya Prayer
Fri May 10 @ 7:00PM - 08:00PM
Sunday School Bible Study


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